Braces Hacks

braces hacks

One of the first things a person notices about another is their smile. If you don’t have a dazzling white smile, it could really dampen your self confidence. Getting braces is the easiest and most efficient way of making sure you get the pearly white smile you always desired. Ranging from metallic to ceramic to transparent, there are braces that suit every need and budget. But, they require a considerable amount of upkeep, which is where a few life hacks for braces will go a long way.

Top 5 Braces Life Hacks

1 – Water All the Way

braces life hacksGetting braces requires getting used to a rigorous dental regime which involves picking out off the food particles from your teeth so you don’t end up with tooth decay. This is where a little bit of water goes a long way. To efficiently get all the bits of food out from your teeth, swish around some water in your mouth vigorously after a meal. This is a great practice even after your braces get removed as it makes cleaning your teeth easier.

2 – A Pinch of Salt

The first few days after getting braces will make your mouth feel sore. Direct contact with ice or cold beverages can also trigger pain. Rinsing your mouth with salty water will help relieve the soreness and alleviate the pain. Salt also has antibacterial properties which help in preventing bacteria and plaque from forming on the teeth.

3 – Wax On, Wax Off

Being made of metal wires and brackets, braces can take some time to get used to. The wires and brackets are also at risk of getting loose and hurting the inside of your mouth by cutting it. Applying some wax on them can help ease the pain till you are able to meet your dentist to fix the loose brace or wire. The wax is usually provided by the dentist after the treatment to help in case such a situation arises.

4 – Use a Tweezer

As wires can come a little loose while the braces do their work, using a tweezer can help to curl them back into place. However, this is a hack to be used when the wire is only slightly out of place and not causing any discomfort, otherwise an orthodontist needs to be visited to repair any loose wiring.

5 – Make it Soft

dental braces hacksGetting braces does not mean you need to give up eating your favorite foods. It only requires finding alternatives or adjusting the foods to ensure they don’t end up hurting you. When eating bread, toast it lightly so it does not get stuck on the braces. While eating tacos, opt for the soft shell instead of the hard one and if you’re having something like cookies, it can be softened with a little bit of milk.


Getting used to braces can take some time but with a few life hacks, the process can be made much smoother. Whether you are a child or an adult, maintaining a rigorous dental regime if of utmost importance to prevent tooth decay due to food getting lodged in the braces. Salt water rinses and keeping wax handy can prove to be lifesavers when the pain gets unbearable, while making all your food a little softer is advisable so you do not end up hurting your teeth if they get a little sensitive.

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